Black Clover 241 Raw & Black Clover Chapter 241 Spoilers Releasing Soon

We finally got to see Asta in the last chapter and we can’t wait to read Black Clover 241 spoilers and raw scans as the war will be starting the next chapter.

Black Clover Chapter 241 will continue with the fight between Dante and the black bulls squad and we can’t wait to read what happens next.

The last chapter started with Lolo Pechka, Charmy, Noelle, and Mimosa are having fun at the heart kingdom and Charmy is having fun eating Heart kingdom’s food.

Everyone is enjoying when suddenly Lolo Pechka suddenly feels something is wrong and finds out that they are under attack. There are a total of 6 mages and one of them is the dark triad Vanica.

Vanica is possessed by the demon Megiscula. The panel cuts to Black bulls squad base and it seems like they are near the Spade kingdom borders.

Vanessa and the team are enjoying when they feel a threat drawing near. It’s Dante of the dark triad and the fight between Black bulls and Dante starts.

Black Clover 241

Dante seems to be using Gravity magic to take down the squad base when Vanessa intervenes. We get to know that Vanessa is a zero stage mage as well as she is able to bend nature laws with her red thread magic.

The fight will continue in the upcoming Black Clover Chapter 241. The captains are away on a conference and Vengeance has been taken away.

Yami needs to come back soon and sort these things out otherwise there will be too many casualties. The Black Clover manga spoilers for chapter 241 will be released soon and we are here with theories on what will happen in the next chapter.

Make sure to check out Haikyuu Manga and Solo Leveling as they are one of the best mangas besides Black clover. We will be recommending more great manga like these in the future, so stay tuned for all our future articles.

Update -Black Clover Chapter 241 Spoilers Available Tomorrow

The spoilers will be available very soon, so stay tuned.

Black Clover 241 Spoilers And Predictions

Yami is away for the Captain’s conference and all the rest of the Black Bulls are busy fighting with the dark triads. Vanica and Dante have raided the members of the black bulls trying to find Yami the arcane stage mage.

All the mages invading the Heart kingdom are zero stage mage and the fight is going to be very intense. Noelle and Charmy will be going against Vanica and even though those two are strong, they can’t fight all the six mages.

Asta will be fighting Dante in the next chapter together with the rest of the Black Bulls members. Yami and the rest of the captains will be joining them soon and once they take down the new dark triads, they will go rescue Vangeance.

The Black Clover 240 spoilers will be released soon and we will share the spoilers here as soon as they get released.

Black Clover Chapter 241 Raw Scans Release Date

Mangastream and Jaiminisbox have stopped Black clover scanlations and that is why the raw scans are getting released late every week. New scanlations groups have emerged and we can hope to read the Black Clover Chapter 241 English raw scans by 27th February 2020.

We will be sharing the raw scan lings as soon as they get released and make sure to join our Strawhat Subreddit to read the Black clover raw scans as soon as they get released.

Kingdom 633 and Haikyu 385 raw scans will be releasing on the same day so make sure to check them out as well.

What is the Black Clover 241 official release date?

Black Clover Manga Chapter 241 will be officially released on 1st March 2020.

Where can we read the upcoming Black Clover Chapter?

You can read the upcoming Black Clover chapter on Viz and Mangaplus.

Will Yuno win against Dante?

We all know how strong Asta is, but Dante is one of the triads so it will not be easy for Asta to win alone.

Let us know what you think about the upcoming Black Clover Chapter 241 and what do you think will happen in the fight against the dark triads.

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About the Author: Damngoodiam

Anime and Manga fanatic who loves sharing the latest news of the upcoming manga chapters and anime episodes.